So fun shooting these cuties!! Mahalo to the staff at Maui Animal Farm for letting us use your beautiful property and animals!
So fun shooting these cuties!! Mahalo to the staff at Maui Animal Farm for letting us use your beautiful property and animals!
Love love love this family!! Fun times at the gorgeous Four Seasons Lanai and Manele Bay! Mini mermaids underwater, music, and most importantly, a gorgeous family, inside and out! Location: Four Seasons Manele Bay, Lanai Underwater Photography with an SPL warehousing Chelsea’s dress by Show Me Your Mum
Location: Lahaina Baby Beach, morning
Talented and beautiful Kaylen of @shopkrown www.shopkrown.com , her 20 month old daughter, hubby, and family! Lucky me, so nice to meet such a darling family! Location: Lahaina baby beach, afternoon light Gorgeous flower crown (haku) by @Hakusbynicole (**please reference a “fuller”, Hawaiian look when referencing this flower crown)
Please check @babyhawaiiphoto on Instagram for a sneak peek of our most recent work! Blog updates coming as time permits!! 😉 Mahalo!
Out on stands now, the summer 2017 issue of Maui Family Magazine! Thanks so much to Pili and her sweet girls!!