Follow along @babyhawaiiphoto on Instagram for recent updates and sneak peeks!!
Follow along @babyhawaiiphoto on Instagram for recent updates and sneak peeks!!
November 2017: We dashed for the sunrise and oh was it ever worth it! Sunrise sessions = pastel skies to start, calm waters, empty beaches, and gorgeous light! p.s. ( This couple just had their little girl, congratulations!!! ) Location: Wailea, Maui at sunrise Hair/Makeup: Chrissy Swink Custom Haku, (made with succulents!) by @houseofhaku Lace… Read more »
October, 2017 What started as an overcast afternoon turned into the most magical sunset of the year for this beautiful couple! It went from overcast, to pastels, to yellows and oranges, and on to pinks and purple!! That’s part of the fun of having outdoor sessions, we do our best planning, but really never know… Read more »
December, 2017 Ahhhh, this beautiful, shining soul wavered on doing a last minute Maternity session during her Maui babymoon….I’m so glad she did!! Shine bright sweet Momma-to-be! Location: Wailea at sunset Flower crown: Fairmont Kea Lani, Wailea Lace dress and striped top: Keliki, located in The Shops at Wailea
September, 2017 Baby #1 due for this sweet couple, December 2017! Rain or shine, we decided that we were going for it, and we ended up with a magical setting on an empty beach in Wailea, (thank you rain! 😉 ). Location: Wailea, Maui afternoon/sunset Hair and Makeup: Chrissy Swink of www.makeupmauiandhair.com Haku /… Read more »
Starting off 2018 with good intentions to keep up with the blog, as it seems to get neglected, (Work life + Momma / toddler life 😉 ====> blog neglect!! Thank you to all who graced me with the opportunity to capture you in 2017! Ashley + Jason, babymoon session, Wainapanapa State Park, Hana Maui at… Read more »
For the most recent updates, have a look here! @babyhawaiiphoto
Location: Wailea at sunrise
Location: Wailea @ sunset
Location: Wailea (sunset) Haku by: Haku Maui @hakumaui Blue lace dress via Amazon